COMMUNITY EVENT: Men Greater Than Violence


When: Monday, June 7, 4-5:30 p.m.

Where: Zoom listening session, register here

What: Join House of Ruth Maryland's Men Greater than Violence (MGTV) community conversation event. They have spent years conducting listening sessions with a wide range of groups across the city. This is a three-day event that will take place on 6/7, 6/14 and 6/21.

Conversation 1: What Does It Mean to Be a Man?

  • This community conversation will cover what masculinity means within our community, and the restrictions and impulses men experience as a result. The meaning of masculinity is something that most people develop overtime, based on a variety of influences and factors. This discussion will be about what participants think masculinity is, and what it could be.

Staff, clients and community members who identify as men are welcome.

Register now

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