All Health Care for the Homeless clinics are closed on Monday, September 2, 2024 for Labor Day. Clinics will return to normal hours of operation on Tuesday, September 3. 

2019 Core Value Winners


Every year at our staff retreat, we take time to honor and celebrate staff members who best represent our Core Values and one HCH-er at Heart.

Review this year's winners below!

HCH-er at Heart
Wanda Hopkins, Referrals Coordinator

"Being able to serve others is what matters. As I always say, ‘It’s not about me, but about the clients.’ On any given day dignity, authenticity, hope, justice, passion and balance are displayed by all my fellow colleagues.

Together we stand. Divided we fall."

Dignity: Devante Blount, Security Manager

“To me dignity is the most essential and priceless core value. I always say, ‘Those who do not know who they are, are vulnerable to being defined by the world.’ When you find your dignity and self-worth, be a beacon of light and a compass to those who are still on their journey.”


Authenticity: Celena Hoey, Behavioral Health Therapist

"Authenticity brings truth to any situation. Whether that truth initially sparks a feeling of pain or relief, it is guaranteed to bring lasting healing.”




Hope: Haley Croney, Therapist Case Manager

“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” - Desmond Tutu


Justice: Lilian Amaya, Lead Community Health Worker 

"Justice is about equity, fairness and respect for every human being.”


Passion: Kristin McCurnin, Triage Medical Provider

"Passion is an innate source of power. It is an energy within you that drives a dedication to something bigger than yourself."


Balance: Arianne Jennings, Addictions Coordinator

"Every day I wake up extremely grateful to be in this position, to give back and to help others find balance. Balance simply means helping each other, staff and clients alike, find stability in all areas of their lives.”


See more photos here

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421 Fallsway, Baltimore, MD 21202

Phone: 410-837-5533


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