All Health Care for the Homeless clinics are closed on Monday, September 2, 2024 for Labor Day. Clinics will return to normal hours of operation on Tuesday, September 3. 

Annual Point-in-Time Count


Maybe you've heard of the Point-in-Time or PIT count before. Formerly every two years, but now annually, Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires communities to help identify individuals, families and youth experiencing homelessness in each jurisdiction. Beyond a simple count, PIT volunteers offer a survey and ideally help connect the people they meet with services. HUD then uses this information to inform funding and community planning decisions.

According to Director of Community Services Katie League, "While not perfect, the annual Point-in-Time survey is essential in assuring that Baltimore continues to receive HUD funding. And it's an important opportunity for Baltimore City to hear about the needs of our clients directly from the clients themselves."  For an idea of the kinds of information they collect, you can peruse the results from the 2017 PIT count here

This year's PIT count in Baltimore City is Saturday, January 27 - Wednesday, January 30. There are two parts to the count...

Overnight Street Count (SUnday and Monday nights)

  • Our all-star outreach staff will serve as team leads for the overnight counts (5-11 p.m. and 6:30-11 p.m. respectively). You can join them by signing up as a volunteer here.

Daytime Site-Based Count (Monday and Tuesday)

  • For the fourth count in a row, our 421 Fallsway clinic will be one of roughly 10 community sites participating in the daytime count. Keep an eye out for volunteers in our lobby on Monday, January 28 and Tuesday, January 29 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 

For questions or comments about the PIT count, please reach out to Katie League or Sarah Bielecki.


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421 Fallsway, Baltimore, MD 21202

Phone: 410-837-5533


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