All Health Care for the Homeless clinics are closed on Monday, September 2, 2024 for Labor Day. Clinics will return to normal hours of operation on Tuesday, September 3. 

Meet a 3-year-old who delights and inspires


Nevaeh first came to the pediatric clinic at Health Care for the Homeless with her parents two years ago. She was a year old and had critical health challenges stemming from lead poisoning and severe speech delays. 

Citing neglect, the Baltimroe CIty Department of Social Services (DSS) removed her from her parents' care soon after. Nevaeh entered the city's foster care system—and the care of her great aunt, Donyette. 

Thanks to a collaboration between Health Care for the Homeless and DSS, Nevaeh and Donyette kept coming to us for Nevaeh's primary care throughout her time in foster care. 

For her—and for other foster children in Baltimore City—Health Care for the Homeless has been a source of continuity and stability in times of upheaval. That's why this past May, we formally launched a partnership with DSS to provide initial health assessments for children entering into the city's foster care system. 

"Our pediatric team members are experts at working with children who have had a lifetime of trauma. We have cultivated a safe, inviting space for children, their families and foster parents that care for them," says Director of Pediatrics Lisa Stambolis, RN, CPNP. "Providing care to children in foster care is a unique privilege and we know it." 

Now three years old, Nevaeh is as bubbly as her big smile and dimples suggest. Her lead levels have dropped significantly and she's showing signs of a full recovery. Donyette has adopted her, and even though she is no longer in foster care, she—like many of the foster children we see—continues to come to us for her health care. 

Beaming during Nevaeh's last check-up, Donyette said, "Getting care at Health Care for the Homeless means so much for Nevaeh. Lisa is like family." 

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Phone: 410-837-5533


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