All Health Care for the Homeless clinics are closed on Monday, September 2, 2024 for Labor Day. Clinics will return to normal hours of operation on Tuesday, September 3. 

Meet your Patient Safety Week Winners


Last week our Quality Department hosted another successful Patient Safety Week, full of games, on-site "escape rooms," and important discussions about our commitment to safety at Health Care for the Homeless. You can check out photos from the fun below.


Now let's congratulate our raffle winners!

  • Mark Council, Co-Chair of the Consumer Relations Committee
  • Demarus Dye, Security Guard
  • Terrance George, Contractor
  • Charmaine Hardy, Lead Case Manager
  • Madeline Jonz, LMSW, Behavioral Health Therapist
  • Marie Stelmack, Quality Improvement Specialist
  • Vicky Stewart, CPRS, Senior Peer Recovery Specialist
  • Ester Vigueras, Client Service Representative
  • Malcolm Williams, LCSW-C, Senior Client Relations Manager
  • Kenny Willis, Client Service Representative

Everyone who attended a Patient Safety Week event was entered into a raffle, with prizes including Health Care for the Homeless swag!

Winners, be sure to check your inbox for information about your prizes.

You also helped us select three Safety Stars!

  • Facilities Technician Chris Campbell
  • Certified Medical Assistant Shelby Carter
  • Dental Hygienist Monica Martin 

A big shout out to all the nominees, including Security Manager Devante Blount, Triage Medical Provider Kristin McCurnin, Director of Nursing Catherine Fowler, Lead Certified Medical Assistant Faith Timothy, Systems Engineer Sebastian Njang, Facilities Manager John Puciloski, Harm Reduction Manager Molly Greenberg, Certified Medical Assistant Mykia Gerow, and the whole HCH Dental Team!

read the nominations for staff safety stars:


Shelby Carter, CMA:

“Shelby is always showing compassion and concern for clients and staff..."

“Shelby is always looking out for the client's safety by helping them with their wheelchairs, rolling walkers and always forever checking the client's name and DOB for conformation of who they are. These are just a few things that Shelby does on a regular.”

“A patient was in emotional distress and really aggressive toward himself. Shelby took it upon herself to approach the patient with caution and begin to talk with him. The patient became calm with the conversation and himself. She even advocated for him to speak with a therapist here and made the patient feel great gratitude for her kind words and helping him to see self-harm is not the way.”

“Shelby is constantly double checking her work to make sure she is giving proper patient care. Since she has been here, she has come to me on several occasions to report mislabeling and to ensure all of the nurses and CMAs were appropriately documenting patient information.”


Monica Martin, RDH: 

“Monica Martin is our autoclave ninja. In 2020/2021 she read the autoclave manual in its entirety and created charts for different autoclave related workflows. [...] She came up with a solution for documenting equipment repairs so that we are prepared for contractors. Her commitment to keeping our clients safe by closely following all of our infection control guidelines (and there are a lot!) is incredible.”

And the rest of the Dental Team: 

“I nominate the Dental Team because they help sterilize all the instruments for HCH, and are training medical staff on how to sterilize instruments, too!”



Mykia Gerow, CMA:

"Mykia is always pleasant, positive, willing to help, and she goes the extra mile. She helps her clients without complaint, and if there is a need, she is always there to assist without complaint.

Chris Campbell: 

“Chris sometimes fills in for Security when someone is out and he makes sure that the second floor is running smoothly. He checks in with the clients to make sure that they are in appropriate areas.”


Sebastian Njang:

“Sebastian is the guy in the shadows, working to maintain the internet safety wall every day.”

Faith Timothy, CMA:

“I had a Client who did not feel safe going home or out to the waiting room to husband and Faith found any and everyone to help get this patient to a safe place! She is so appreciated!”

"Faith saw a patient scared to walk to the bus stop when it got a little dark and she walked the patient no problem."


Devante Blount:

“Devante works day in and day out making sure everyone is physically safe.”

“Devante responds to codes, responds to facilities and property related safety events, and responds to physical, verbal, or criminal encounters.”

Kristin McCurnin, CRNP:

“The past two codes I've been a part of, Kristin responded immediately. She is always calm, compassionate and decisive and it's always reassuring to have her present during these intense events.”


John Puciloski:

“I can go to John with any concerns and he will resolve them swiftly. Very dependable and has so much knowledge!”

Catherine Fowler, MPH, BSN, RN-BC:

“Catherine is a master at creating standardized workflows and communicating and reinforcing these with her team. [...] During a vaccine excursion event, she worked closely with other teams/departments to change the way that refrigerator temperatures were being monitored to receive alerts/notifications.”


Molly Greenberg, RN:

“Molly provides consistent compassion, empathy, and genuine kindness to her clients regardless of ethnicity, gender, race. You can tell she genuinely cares about the health and safety of everyone.”



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421 Fallsway, Baltimore, MD 21202

Phone: 410-837-5533


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