All Health Care for the Homeless clinics are closed on Monday, September 2, 2024 for Labor Day. Clinics will return to normal hours of operation on Tuesday, September 3. 

Patient Safety Week Schedule 2023


March 13-17 is Patient Safety Week!

Our Quality Department has fun activities and education planned across sites to help staff and clients keep our clinics safe. Solve an "escape room," spot the hazards at live scenes around our clinics, and nominate Safety Stars who promote safety at the agency!

Why Patient Safety Week? The World Health Organization estimates that 40% of patients experience harm in ambulatory care settings, and 80% of this harm could be prevented. IHI notes that 400,000 deaths occur in the United States each year because of errors or preventable harm. Patient Safety Week seeks to grow awareness about patient safety, acknowledge the hard work of health professionals who ensure safety (each of YOU), and further the work to improve safe, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered care. By the end of this week, we hope you learn more about and play a role in health care safety for patients and the workforce.

ALL WEEK: Nominate a "Safety Star"

Have you noticed someone who promotes safe and equitable care at HCH? Shine a light on their efforts by filling out a very simple nomination form by Friday, 3/17 at noon. 

NOMINATE a safety star          

Monday, March 13

FALLSWAY: 11:30 am - 1 pm

  • Escape Room (15 minute slots) | 3rd Floor Group Rooms: Gather 3 to 5 of your coworkers to compete in an agency “escape room” that will test your team’s ability to collaborate and communicate your way to victory! Solve clues and have fun during the max 15-minute time limit you have to complete the challenge. Register your team here.

Tuesday, March 14

BALTIMORE COUNTY: 12:30-1:30 PM | wEST baltimore: 12:30-1:30 pm

  • Escape Room (15 minute slots): Gather the team to compete in an agency “escape room” that will test your team’s ability to collaborate and communicate your way to victory! Solve clues and have fun during the max 15-minute time limit you have to complete the challenge.
  • Spot the Hazards: Clients and staff are invited to spot the hazards found in a live scene, and take a pledge to speak up when they see a safety hazard in the clinic! Can you find them all in five minutes?
  • Lunch provided!

Wednesday, March 15

FALLSWAY: 12-1 pm

  • Patient Advocacy Video & Lunch | 3rd Floor Group Rooms: Staff and clients are invited to join us via Teams or in person for a short video and discussion about engaging with clients in health care safety. Lunch provided for onsite attendees who pre-register. Space is limited, so sign up today!

Thursday, March 15

BALTIMORE COUNTY: 1:30-2 PM  | wEST baltimore: 1-1:30 pm

  • VIRTUAL Patient Advocacy Video & Discussion: Enjoy a short video and discussion about engaging with clients in health care safety at this month's team meeting. 

Friday, March 16


  • Spot the Hazards | 2nd Floor Medical Area & Office Space: Staff and clients are invited to spot the hazards found in several live scenes around the clinic and take a pledge to speak up when they see a safety hazard in the clinic. Can you find them all in five minutes or less?


Reach out to Director of Quality Improvement Lisa Hoffmann.

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When the first medication to prevent HIV became available in 2012, it was a monumental shift—both for people at risk and for public health officials. Read more about clinician and clients working together to increase awareness and prescriptions of PrEP at Health Care for the Homeless.


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All Rights Reserved.


421 Fallsway, Baltimore, MD 21202

Phone: 410-837-5533


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