What's happening with Medicaid?


Amidst all the bluster and looming changes in Washington, D.C., these days, is a whole lot of noise about a potential rollback of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or Obamacare. As in other states across the country, Marylanders are trying to figure out what those changes could mean for Medicaid here. While there are still no answers on the future of Medicaid, there are some things we do know, and some good things to keep in mind throughout the Medicaid debate as it unfolds in the days, weeks and months to come.

The impact of Medicaid expansion has been huge

Over the past few years, medical coverage in Maryland has increased significantly, thanks in large part to the expansion of Medicaid made possible by the federal government’s widening of Medicaid eligibility requirements and increased Medicaid funding.

According to Maryland’s Department of Legislative Services:

  • 1.3 million Marylanders are covered through Medicaid—that’s 20% of the state’s population
  • 291,000 Marylanders are newly enrolled thanks to Medicaid expansion
  • Medicaid expansion is the largest source of increased medical coverage in Maryland

Medicaid expansion also has meant a much larger Health Care for the Homeless, with an ability to reach many more clients. In recent years we have both doubled in size and nearly doubled the number of clients we serve.

With these facts alone, it’s not hard to imagine what a reversal of Medicaid expansion could mean for Maryland and the Baltimore community we serve.

The Medicaid debate really isn’t a partisan issue after all

Introduced in 1965 as a bipartisan fix to national health care needs, Medicaid has historically been backed by Republicans and Democrats alike. It comes with broad federal guidelines and significant state flexibility built in. In recent years, we’ve seen a shift in that bipartisan spirit, with Republicans working to cut Medicaid spending pitted against Democrats fighting to keep it. But the truer the threat of a Medicaid rollback, the less partisan the issue becomes. Of the 31 states that took advantage of Medicaid expansion, along with Washington, D.C., 16 are led by Republican governors. And a majority of those Republican governors are increasingly vocal at the national level about the negative impact of a Medicaid rollback on their own states.

We at Health Care for the Homeless are doing our part to change the narrative. To help remind our state of the bipartisan support and common-sense need for strong Medicaid funding, our CEO, on behalf of the Maryland Medicaid Advisory Committee, recently penned a letter to Governor Larry Hogan asking him to take a more active role in protecting the program. You can read that letter here.

Recommended reading

To help wade through the complexity of the health care law and Medicaid’s potential future, here are some reading resources:



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