Healthy eating is taking hold here at Health Care for the Homeless, as providers and clients explore possibilities for planning and preparing nurtritious meals—with limited resources.
The Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services has declared a winter shelter warning for Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 4 pm until Thursday, January 14, 2025, at 9 am. Call 211 (available 24/7) or 443-984-9540 to connect with shelter. Get more info here.
Healthy eating is taking hold here at Health Care for the Homeless, as providers and clients explore possibilities for planning and preparing nurtritious meals—with limited resources.
On March 10, Maryland lawmakers restored the right to vote for individuals with felony records. The next morning, Health Care for the Homeless client advocates began registering their peers—in time for April's primary elections.
At Health Care for the Homeless, we seize every opportunity to educate others about poverty and homelessness. The legislative session in Annapolis is fertile ground for that work, and for elevating efforts in our community to—quite literally—change people’s lives. They changed John’s.
Overflow shelter beds are available every night through the end of March—regardless of temperature. Help us let folks who need them know.
Public benefits—many of them very small—are a lifeline for 1,000s of Marylanders. For Derrick, $185 a month has been the difference between being housed and living on the street.
The feds renewed an important piece of our supportive housing funding—and extended us an additional $1.1 million to house 65 people and keep them housed.
The correlation between access to mental health care and homelessness in Maryland is undeniable. Yet so many vunerable Marylanders are denied mental health care.
Nine years ago February, 12-year-old Deamonte Driver died from an abcessed tooth. The tragic reality remains that if he were still living and got a toothache today at the age of 21, the outcome would likely be no different.
Our clients used disposable cameras to capture images of homelessness. Here's what they saw.
On February 25, 200 staff, clients and friends rode buses to Annapolis to advocate for health, housing and incomes for all.