All Health Care for the Homeless clinics are closed on Monday, September 2, 2024 for Labor Day. Clinics will return to normal hours of operation on Tuesday, September 3. 

Fancy feet and rockin' beats: The 2019 Rock Your Socks 5K


Over 400 runners, walkers, cheerers and volunteers enjoyed a sunny, if chilly, morning at Lake Montebello for the sixth annual Rock Your Socks 5K on Saturday, November 2.

Together, you raised $60,000 this year.

That’s enough to give vaccines, medicine for fevers, treatment for tummy aches and so much more to 480 children without homes.

Many people experiencing homelessness ran, walked and volunteered (including a cheering squad encouraging runners as they reached the finish line). Charm City Run ensured that all 66 Health Care for the Homeless clients in attendance had the shoes they needed to participate and Borden Transportation offered them free transportation to and from the event.

“When you come out to this, you can see there’s a whole community working to help,” said Tahir, who is currently experiencing homelessness. “It’s such a wonderful event.”

relive the Magic

Wacky socks. Rocking music. Experience it all by visiting the photo gallery!

The champs are here

Everyone who supported and participated in this 5K are winners in our book. A select few, however, received special recognition for being fast runners, stylish dressers and expert fundraisers.

Highest fundraising individual: Toby Harris (Nearly $3,000 raised!)

Highest fundraising team: Sole Train, which raised over $5,000! (Captain: David Dexter)

Fastest runners by category:

  • Punk rocker (Under 18): JT Moore
  • Progressive rocker (19-39): Michael Bray
  • Classic rocker (40+): Michael Regan
  • Best socks (and winner of the inaugural Golden Sock Trophy): Deirdre Hoey, whose "All the Socks" costume included, well, all the socks!

Superstars at work and on the track

Health Care for the Homeless staff showed tremendous team spirit and fundraising passion as they captained 5K teams that collectively raised over $12,000, including:

  • Sole Train (David Dexter)
  • Run Amok (Stephanie Donelan)
  • Runs 4 Donuts (Kevin Feldt)
  • No Agony for De Feet (Christina Bauer)
  • Overwhelming SOCKcess (Hanna Mast)
  • L'in Da Mood to Run (Kevin Lindamood)
  • Homeward Bound (Lydia Santiago)
  • The Sock Monkeys (Lindsey Weikert)
  • Michale Scott's Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Race for the Cure (Kylie Abegg)

Thank you for your work every day and for being great advocates in the outside world! Meet the staff team captains here.

thanks to Sponsors and Volunteers for Making it happen

Special thanks to the 5K sponsors who made sure that every dollar raised gives children without homes the care they desperately need.

An incredible group of 90 volunteers (including 23 client volunteers) set up the race village, ran the hydration stations, passed out donuts and cheered on the runners and walkers.


Thank you to everyone who participated and made this one of the best Rock Your Socks 5K events yet!

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421 Fallsway, Baltimore, MD 21202

Phone: 410-837-5533


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