All Health Care for the Homeless clinics are closed on Monday, September 2, 2024 for Labor Day. Clinics will return to normal hours of operation on Tuesday, September 3. 

Leave no one out


By now, we've all heard the steps to protect ourselves from COVID-19. 

Wash your hands for twenty seconds. Cough into your elbow. Stay home if you’re sick.

But what happens to those of us who have no home? Just as you look to your doctors for answers and a calm, competent response during this crisis, thousands of our neighbors will turn to the health professional they know and trust at Health Care for the Homeless.

We have always helped people in crisis with nowhere else to go.

The dangers posed by the coronavirus are great and unpredictable. And people without homes are always at greater risk with a fraction of the resources needed to respond.

But you have the power to help and make sure that no one is left out. Your support helps our efforts to:

  • Develop and roll out screening efforts at clinic sites downtown, in West Baltimore and in Baltimore County
  • Get enough supplies to meet the growing need while protecting our staff
  • Advocate with public officials to make sure pandemic response efforts meet the unique needs of people without homes

There are uncertain days ahead. Help Health Care for the Homeless ensure everyone is treated with the same care and respect you’d want for your family.

Donate here

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A woman sits at a desk and speaks into a radio

This January, we established weekly shelter-based medical clinics. In this edition of “Day in the Life,” Senior Director of Medicine for Community Sites Tyler Gray, MD, and Client Service Specialist Luciana Wise-Oliver share a look into one Friday session at the city’s largest emergency shelter.


We're fast approaching the first day of school! Baltimore City and County schools open their doors on August 26.


Anthony is always cracking jokes around 421 Fallsway, where he also volunteers to help other clients navigate their care. 

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When the first medication to prevent HIV became available in 2012, it was a monumental shift—both for people at risk and for public health officials. Read more about clinician and clients working together to increase awareness and prescriptions of PrEP at Health Care for the Homeless.


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421 Fallsway, Baltimore, MD 21202

Phone: 410-837-5533


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