All Health Care for the Homeless clinics are closed on Monday, September 2, 2024 for Labor Day. Clinics will return to normal hours of operation on Tuesday, September 3. 

What happens after testing?


Since the first days of our COVID-19 response, many of you have asked, “Where can people who have no home go to safely quarantine or self-isolate?”

Universal testing in city shelters moves forward with 400 newly available isolation rooms

Last week, the 400-room Lord Baltimore Hotel became Baltimore City’s new Triage, Respite and Isolation (TRI) center. It's a place where immigrants, people experiencing homelessness, front-line workers and others who cannot self-isolate can now safely quarantine.

This new capacity for isolation opens the door for the widespread testing at shelters needed to slow the spread. 

  • On Friday, our staff joined the Johns Hopkins field unit and the Baltimore City Health Department to test 130 residents of the Greenspring shelter (at the former KIPP Academy).  

"The process can be stressful, and the testing can feel intrusiveespecially for people with traumatic experiences related to homelessness. We're there so people feel seen, heard and connected as they get through this challenge."

Deirdre Hoey, Behavioral Health Therapist 

What happens after testing? 

Our care doesn't stop. Once shelter residents are isolated at a hotel:

  • We continue to coordinate closely with University of Maryland and the Baltimore City Health Department who are providing on-site medical care.
  • Our doctors, therapists and case managers conduct telehealth visits by phone for clients and anyone experiencing homelessness.
  • We launched a new 24/7 support line for clients who are feeling stressed, anxious or overwhelmed by COVID.

Our medical respite staff, including a community health worker, nurses, medical provider and therapist, are on-site to meet the needs of especially vulnerable clients as they recover from hospital stays.  

We're in this together

 "Stay at home" restrictions are
still effective in Baltimore City.

See the dos and don'ts here  

Please direct anyone who needs care to
call 410-837-5533, and share this flyer

. Your donations support
staff on the frontline.

Donate here

For more updates and a comprehensive look at our agency response to this public health crisis, visit our COVID-19 page. 

More Recent News

A woman sits at a desk and speaks into a radio

This January, we established weekly shelter-based medical clinics. In this edition of “Day in the Life,” Senior Director of Medicine for Community Sites Tyler Gray, MD, and Client Service Specialist Luciana Wise-Oliver share a look into one Friday session at the city’s largest emergency shelter.


We're fast approaching the first day of school! Baltimore City and County schools open their doors on August 26.


Anthony is always cracking jokes around 421 Fallsway, where he also volunteers to help other clients navigate their care. 

Two people look at a clipboard together

When the first medication to prevent HIV became available in 2012, it was a monumental shift—both for people at risk and for public health officials. Read more about clinician and clients working together to increase awareness and prescriptions of PrEP at Health Care for the Homeless.


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421 Fallsway, Baltimore, MD 21202

Phone: 410-837-5533


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