All Health Care for the Homeless clinics are closed on Monday, September 2, 2024 for Labor Day. Clinics will return to normal hours of operation on Tuesday, September 3. 

Our 2018-2021 strategic plan is here!


Over the past several months, Health Care for the Homeless clients, staff, community members and partners have engaged in a five-month strategic planning process to develop a plan to shape the agency’s direction over the next four years: 2018–2021. The process was guided by three principles: the agency’s mission, community and core values.

With assistance from strategic planning consultant Dr. Robert Sheehan, Jr., we collectively envisioned a world where our mission was complete. We considered our current state, as an agency and as a country. Then we designed an ambitious, aspirational plan to propel us forward into that more perfect future state. The result is a strategic plan that:

  • is grounded in the needs of the community and in an assessment of the current political and social environment
  • boldly advances our mission and core values
  • envisions the agency’s role in the local, state and national landscapes
  • creates a shared understanding of our work
  • articulates aspirational goals and themes for achieving these goals

From housing development to 100% timely access to care (that’s right, we said 100%), our strategic goals reaffirm our commitment to ending homelessness and set us on a path to do so in ways that both build on our work of recent years—and take us into new territory altogether.

Read our latest strategic plan here. And please join us as we work to implement it in the months and years to come. We can’t do it without you!

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A woman sits at a desk and speaks into a radio

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We're fast approaching the first day of school! Baltimore City and County schools open their doors on August 26.


Anthony is always cracking jokes around 421 Fallsway, where he also volunteers to help other clients navigate their care. 

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When the first medication to prevent HIV became available in 2012, it was a monumental shift—both for people at risk and for public health officials. Read more about clinician and clients working together to increase awareness and prescriptions of PrEP at Health Care for the Homeless.


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421 Fallsway, Baltimore, MD 21202

Phone: 410-837-5533


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