All Health Care for the Homeless clinics are closed on Monday, September 2, 2024 for Labor Day. Clinics will return to normal hours of operation on Tuesday, September 3. 

The 2017 National Health Care for the Homeless Conference is here!


Once a year, the broader Health Care for the Homeless community comes from all over the country to share insight around our work and help one another grow and learn. It’s an occasion for innovative thought and a meeting of the minds. And the 2017 National Health Care for the Homeless Conference and Policy Symposium, Working Together for Access, promises to be no exception. From June 21 through 24, there’s a ton going on and dozens of our very own staff members and clients will be presenting, organizing and attending the conference.

Our national staff members, Barbara Dipietro, Regina Reed and Katherine Cavanaugh, have been working hard to make the event a success with the National Health Care for the Homeless Council. Historically, our staff members have taken a leading role in the National Council. Most recently, Lawanda Williams serves on the Clinicians Network Steering Committee, Chauna Brocht serves on the Respite Care Providers' Network Steering Committee, Kevin Lindamood is President of the Board of Directors and Nilesh is Chair of the Research Committee. 

Staff members and clients have put together a wide range of workshops. Here’s a list of some of those workshops and who is involved…

  • Pressing on with Health Reform in Turbulent Times: Medicaid, Homelessness and Charting an Action Strategy – Barbara DiPietro and Kevin Lindamood
  • Adapting Together: Efficacy of Interventions to Address the Needs of Individuals with Brain Injury within Health Care for the Homeless Sites – Caitlin Synovec and Sean Berry
  • Are We Doing Enough to End Homelessness? Part III – Kevin Lindamood and Barbara DiPietro
  • How Data Systems Can Impact Your Health Center – Nilesh Kalyanaraman
  • Implementing Buprenorphine Treatment at a Clinic without a Dedicated Onsite Addictions Team – Tyler Gray and David Hunter
  • Creating Sanctuary for Female Consumers – Athena Haniotis
  • Medicaid and Managed Care: A Discussion of Current Events and Likely Changes Impacting Health Care for the Homeless Providers and Consumers – Barbara DiPietro
  • Constructing Powerful Stories: Tips from the National Consumer Advisory Board’s Storytelling Manual – Katherine Cavanaugh
  • Safety-Access: Lessons and Questions About Establishing Safety in Health Care for the Homeless Projects  Katherine Cavanaugh
  • Fostering Trauma-Informed Leadership Skills for Consumers – Katherine Cavanaugh

Check out a full list of presentations here.

During the conference, Dan Hendricks is organizing visits with congressional offices on Capitol Hill for all Maryland attendees while they are in DC. Contact him if you’re interested

We expect plenty to come from these presentations and look forward to sharing more about them with you in the months ahead. If you’re attending the conference, let us know how it’s going by tweeting @hchomeless or emailing Kate at

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