Health care for all is worth the work


By Kevin Lindamood, President and CEO

I just went in for my annual physical. As usual, the visit was quick, convenient, and covered by my insurance. It was an excellent experience because our health care system is designed for people like me. 

But there's a good chance you have family and friends who have a much harder time finding a doctor, getting accurate diagnoses…and simply being treated with respect.

Our differences in race, heritage, gender and sexual orientation play an out sized role in our risk of getting sick or dying.

Help us build a community that offers health care for all our neighbors with your gift of support.

It takes deliberate effort and the sustaining support of people like you for us to be an excellent provider for everyone. Here are a few examples of investments that improve health outcomes:

  • Caring for people in their own language by hiring more bilingual staff (and paying them for their fluency)

  • Acknowledging people’s life experiences using affirming treatment models and racially-informed care

  • Identifying and addressing disparate race-based outcomes by changing our practices in diabetes, HIV and cervical cancer care

And while improving clients’ experiences in our clinics is necessary, it will not change the policies that create and maintain homelessness. Our work at Health Care for the Homeless begins with client care and extends to the policies and systems that create homelessness in the first place.

Be a part of ending homelessness in Maryland with your gift.

  • Give support that is meeting immediate health needs.

  • Vote your values this November.

  • Speak out and advocate for lasting policy change.

We can and do change the circumstances that create and worsen homelessness. For instance, just this year the Healthy Babies Equity Act passed in Maryland, expanding Medicaid to cover prenatal and postpartum care for pregnant people, regardless of their immigration status! We were proud to be a part of the coalition that worked on this legislation and advocated for its passage.

The experience I have with my doctor should be the standard for everyone, not the exception for a privileged few. Thank you for the steps you are taking to build a more equitable and inclusive community.

In solidarity,

Kevin Lindamood, President and CEO


More Recent News


Join Our Team! Through the end of December 2024, we’re offering sign-on bonuses for full-time and part-time frontline positions in our clinics.


On Monday, July 15, the Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services hosted a press conference to highlight the success of the Assistance in Community Integration Services (ACIS) program - and to celebrate the program's inclusion in the FY25 state budget. President & CEO Kevin Lindamood was in attendance along with other city and state leaders, including hospital partners who were crucial to funding the local match required during the pilot period.


Meet our new Director of Practice Operations Cecelia Lane! A DMV native with 18 years of experience in health care operations, Cecelia is coming to us after several years in leadership positions on the West coast, as well as her work as a community health consultant. In her new position, Cecelia will oversee registration, benefits enrollment and referrals, improving access to care throughout the agency. Learn more about her plans (and her two Yorkshire terriers!) below. 


This summer could be the hottest on record in Maryland—make sure that you know how to keep yourself and your neighbors safe. 


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All Rights Reserved.


421 Fallsway, Baltimore, MD 21202

Phone: 410-837-5533


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