Meet our Director of Practice Operations


Q&A with Mona Hadley

Our indominable Interim Director stepped into the Director of Practice Operations role on 6/7/2021 after more than six years and many roles in the agency. She has managed our West Baltimore clinic and helped our Fallsway clinic navigate the many operational changes and challenges during COVID-19. She's taken the spotlight on the Chocolate Affair stage and starred in our agency videos. Quick with a laugh and generous smile, meet Mona Hadley below.

What was your path to working at Health Care for the Homeless? And how have the many different positions you’ve held here brought you to your current role?

Wow, the path to Health Care for the Homeless was an interesting one. I never knew the agency existed, but through a temp agency I was placed here short-term as a Unit Clerk. They must have liked my work because they extended my assignment 5 months. When my assignment ended, I moved on. But I was later contacted by management to come back; 2 months later, I was offered a permanent position.

From Unit Clerk, to Site Manager, to Project Manager, to Interim Director of Clinic Operations... I count it a blessing to have been able to view administrative support from direct to indirect client care. The guidance and insight from my team sharpened skills and understanding I never thought I’d need. I am certain my journey has equipped me to confidently execute this role.

You have been overseeing practice operations at Fallsway for some time now. What does that look like on the ground week-to-week? What are some of the biggest challenges?

For this role; organization, time management, patience, collaboration, creativity, and strong communication are necessary… it is not for the faint of heart. We work to improve services for clients while attempting to maintain balance for our staff. I have the pleasure of collaborating with fellow directors and chiefs in ensuring the best care possible for our clients.

What are you looking forward to most as we restructure Practice Operations?

I believe the new structure will provide more internal team support, which allows our staff to really focus in on client care with great detail and care. With larger scopes and minimal staffing, it has been difficult to provide that TLC as needed. The addition of Access Manager and a few leads will “lighten the load” and allow for more attention to broader details like KPIs, strategic aims for the agency, access tracking, and reporting to more accurately capture our status in achieving these goals.

What keeps you hopeful and motivated during such an intense year and a half?

Honestly, prayer and balance. It is so easy to miss the flowers for the thorns; however, it’s just as important to understand the purpose and beauty in the thorns. This season has provided me beautiful thorns that remind me of my flowers.

What is one way you see a racial equity and inclusion (REI) approach influencing the way you approach Practice Operations?

REI work is really about improving how we work with one another throughout the agency. This work helps us to “see” one another, and the more we see, the better we understand; ultimately improving our agency environment and care.

Anyone who knows you, Mona, knows you have many talents—from hosting our Chocolate Affair Fund-a-Need Auction to moderating many a staff retreat game show. What's something staff may not know? 

Hmmmm…. I have too many talents and quirks to name! I do great imitations, I sing, I love to write (music and books). And I love dancing in the rain (literally). It’s my way of coping with the world and setting myself FREE.

Extend a warm congrats (or elbow bump) to Mona when you see her next!

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