All Health Care for the Homeless clinics are closed on Monday, September 2, 2024 for Labor Day. Clinics will return to normal hours of operation on Tuesday, September 3. 

How can I help?


Julia Felton gives a window into her work at the front desk.

Q: What do you do at Health Care for the Homeless?
As a Client Access Associate, my job is to find out what people need, register them and direct them to care. We see 100 to 200 clients on a normal day at the downtown clinic. I also help set the tone. If I came to an organization and I was ignored or disrespected, I wouldn’t come back. I have the chance to make sure clients have a healthy experience.

Q: What does it take to be successful at your job? 
Compassion. Empathy. I’m motivated by the people we serve. I’ve been in a situation where my children and I have been homeless. I was never on the street, but I can relate. I want to see people become housed, healthy and mentally stable. I look forward to clients who come back and say, “You helped me a lot,” or “This is a better day.”

Q: What is rewarding about your job? 
People come in feeling hopeless, helpless and emotionally distraught. I try to stay calm and build a good rapport. There was a client who used to yell at me every morning, and I’d just say “Hello.” Then one day he said “Good morning” instead. I was ecstatic! Later, he told me that he lost his housing after he got hurt and couldn’t play football anymore. He went from a man who used to yell at me to a man who wanted to sit and have a conversation. It was very touching.

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421 Fallsway, Baltimore, MD 21202

Phone: 410-837-5533


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